Sunday, February 1, 2009


Cieng! Cieng! Cieng! Cieng~


Finally finished my so-called-masterpiece! lolz.. Still. Wait for the pix to be uploaded, ya.. Busy these few days..
Hahaha.. If u know me, I'm that kind of drawing-absolute-perfect-but-once-coloured-ruin-is-the-art's-finale person..
I made a mess at the grass part.. I like the colour of the water most.. Sooo... um.. unexplainable tru words (in a good way)
The broken tree trunk the second and followed by the bird.
The sky second last. I don't like the tall grass part.. soooo... unexplainable tru words (in a bad way)


ps: I miss my eldest sister who's in Penang now...

pps: come on, guys. Vote for the sake of a poll being part of my blog!! XD

1 comment:

  1. i've missed u alot too...

    wondered what were u bz with those days.. never called me.. only once =__=

    if next time i go overseas di how? But i guess we could go online right? hehe *muaks*
